Scholarship Appeal Request Form

The Office of Financial Aid & Student Employment notifies students of failure to meet requirements of the Merit, CSU Trustee, or Honors Scholarships. Students have the right to submit an appeal request within 10 business days of notification. Late and/or incomplete requests will not be considered. The appeal pertains only to the monetary scholarship, not participation in the Honors Program.
Appeal determination: The Scholarship Appeal Request Form, supporting documentation, including medical/credible documentation, must be submitted to the Scholarship Appeals Committee using the form below. Any questions can be submitted to Appeal decision will be sent via WCSU student email only.
Student Information

Appeal Information

Please check each box indicating that you meet and understand the following terms:
Please check this box only if this is your circumstance:

Student Certification
I certify that the submitted information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. If requested, I agree to provide additional documentation. I understand that purposely providing false or misleading information on this form may result in absolute revocation of the Scholarship.